Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Writing 1
Ms. Leni Marlina
My self

Process 3

My original way
Every body have different characteristic and physical each person. That is why we are looking very different. Each others have something special that do people not have. I am a person who is positive about every aspect of life. There are many things i like to do, to see, and to experience. Sometimes it is hard to introduce myself because you know myself so well or so bad that I do not know where to start with. Let me give a try to see what kind of image you have about me through my self-description. I hope that my impression about myself and your impression about me are not so different. Here it goes.
My name is Gusneldi Andrya Putra and usually people call me Aan or Andrya. I am a male who was Born on August 3rd 1993 in Padang Panjang. Now I live in Solok city, exactly in Sumani. I have been living in Sumani since 1998 with my family. I grew up in the great nature that is making me a good person.
Some people say that I have good appearance. I have tan skin and curly black hair. I think I am good looking. I have medium weight and tall enough which is around 168 centimeters tall and 44 kilograms weight.
I like playing basket ball once a week with my friends. I has learned play basket ball since 4 years ago, exactly when I learned in the Senior high School. I has a team basket ball when learned in the senior high school. Now, in the college, I seldom play basket ball because I have many assignment and full schedule.
I can play some instrument music like guitar, bass , drum, et cetera. I learned these instrument music from my brother. He teaches me all things that he knows about music when I was a kid. He is a good brother for me.
I also like to write a song when I do not have any activities. Usually, I write song in the midnight because my mind will be so well and I can express all things in my mind. As long that, I have written around 7 songs. Now, I still try to make a better song for all people.
Actually, I want to be a musician and would have a great band in the world. So , I can entertained  all people with my music. To be musician must be creative person who like to compound  music.
That is all about me. I like all things about music because music is rhythm in my life. I also to be as i am and do not want to be another person. I must go on to make all of my dream come true because my dream still alive.


Musician from Japan

Writing 1
Ms. Leni Marlina
My Idol

Process 5

Musician from Japan

Musician is someone who composes or conducts music as a profession and plays a musical instrument. I have an idol as a musician of J-Rock music who likes to play instrument music like guitar, bass, and drum. The name of my idol is Suzuki Akira.

Suzuki AKira
Suzuki Akira is a musician from Japan who has stage name is Reita. Suzuki Akira is a male who was born on Mei 27th 1981  in Kanagawa, Japan. Now, he lives in Osaka with his family. They are mother, grandmother and older sister. His father died when he was five years old.

Suzuki Akira is a personal band of The Gazette. He is responsible in bassist. He was joined with the Gazette since 2002. The Gazette has became the bassist of Japan. He likes to write songs for his band. In The Gazette he has write some songs which title Filth in the Beauty, Before I decay, Regret and many other. He is a musician and the bassist of rock music in Japan.

Suzuki Akira has a good appearance. He is usually wears a T-Shirt and Jean. His hair style is Harajuku style with yellow color. He has an oval face, a pointed nose and white skin. He has medium weight and his tall enough. He is around 172 centimeters tall and 60 kilograms weight.

Suzuki Akira also has a unique style in his face. He often wears a bandanna in his nose when he perform in a show, take pictures, interviewed, et cetera. So, we cannot see his face always wears white bandanna because he likes white color. I think, he is good looking and so cool when he is wearing the bandanna.

Suzuki Akira has a good personality. He is a sociable who likes to help someone. He is low profile and easy going. It would make people respect to him. He is also a friendly person likes to make friends. Suzuki Akira also has bad personality. He is a moody person. He look so bad when he get angry with something.

The hobbies of Suzuki Akira are swimming and watching movie. He often swims every Sunday morning with his friends. He likes watching romance movies if he has free time. Suzuki Akira likes to play basket ball. He has a basket ball team when he was learning in Senior High School.

Suzuki Akira can speak some foreign languages. He can speak Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and English. He has learned these languages from his mother. You know, he likes to speak English when he is interviewing by reporters. Event hough the reporters talk in Japanese, he answers the question in English.

Suzuki Akira is great bassist and good musician of Japan. He is my inspiration in my music. That is why i admire him as my best idol. Suzuki Akira is the best of the best.